Most of us are uneducated in the roles and functioning of our emotions. A large number of personal, social and environmental problems have arisen because Western culture does not recognize or validate our emotions as real. Our emotions are real, valid and an important part of being human. Due to our lack of emotional understanding we are often slaves of emotional whims.
We may be either emotionally out of control or control addicts.
Emotions are often shamed and ridiculed. When we are sad we are told to ‘ grow up’, ‘cheer up’. Boys are told they are ‘sissies’ or ‘girls’ if they cry. Girls are told they are ‘nasty’ or ‘unladylike’ when they express anger. Emotions do not just ‘ go away’ if we deny or ignore them. Instead they cause discruption to our inner state of well-being.
Emotional balance is about getting our emotions to serve in getting what we want from life.
Our thougths are powerful. They are powerful forces of energy wchich create our lifes. Thoughts which are played in our mind repeatedly become our beliefs. Beliefs are picked up by our subconscious mind. Our life is really a mirror of what we think and believe. Negative thoughts need to be removed because they’ll eventually destroy your life and make you feel like nothing will ever work out.
When you have a mind filled negative thoughts you feel miserable, inadequate and you will experience failure after failure no matter how hard you try to succed. Negative thinking forces you to make the wrong choices or poor decisions. You will have more stress fear and anxiety.